The news comes from anxiety and is depopulated on the network. Three engineers from San Francisco to their own free will, they wanted to work on this project to raise awareness of the world as it is an inadequate system of protection of personal data and about privacy on Facebook.
It's called OpenBook and already the name wants to make fun of social networking: "Open Book". It works like a normal search engine, in fact, just enter keywords in a few seconds and all posts, published in recent days Facebook, those that contain certain words. What I want to point out its flaws are the creators of communication from the staff of Zuckerberg who does not warn users about what information will be made public and free access by applications and especially what they will use them. "We want Facebook face back private information available to make this site and others like it may not work ," this is what the designers say, and meanwhile the "personal search" for those who have discovered OpenBook started.
's motto site is' They 'trust me'. Dums f *** s ". This already seems to want to be honest.
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