Oggi il social network ci ricorda a dark moment in Italian history: the 18th anniversary of the death of Judge Falcone was killed along with his wife Francesca Morvillo and three police escorts Dicillo Rocco, Vito and Antonio Montinaro Schifani. It was 17:58 on 23 May 1992, their car, at the height of Able, was engulfed by an explosion triggered by 500 pounds of TNT. Hand mafia.
There are lots of links with photos and quotes of Judge Falcone, which today are considered words of support, strength, and courage to fight those who want to eradicate the evil called mafia.
"The Mafia is a human phenomenon and like all human phenomena has a beginning, an evolution and will have also an end." [ cit.]
"They die because they generally alone or because you have entered a great game too. They die because they often do not have the necessary alliances, because it has no support. In Sicily, the Mafia struck the servants of the State that the State failed to protect. "[ cit.]
Once again, the people of facebook has made us understand that this is not just a tool for chatting, raise cattle, build farms, cooking in restaurants do not exist ... but it is a tool to create a common memory and give food for thought. After all raise your hand if, today, remember this important anniversary of the tragic event ... and who should thank facebook for averglielo remembered ...
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