May 11: I hate you, respect you but you suck!
last few days on Facebook by storm photos (linked to their pages) that are very particular proving a huge success. They are "squares" with black background and white text, well highlighted, each of which has an "orientation" I love you, hate you, respect you, you suck, do not put forward and so on, like mushrooms one after another! A particular way of expressing their thoughts, to be dedicated or shared launch with tag digs here and there among their contacts.
Once again, the social network is the organizer and spokesman of feelings, emotions, moods, because you know, now is an outlet of which 14 million Italians can not do without. It all started with the page "I hate you", designed by Gabriele Coletti initially in the form of blogs, and later transformed into a page on facebook, well reaching 134,545 subscribers. Soon after they were born all the others.
The vent becomes common knowledge that while you are on your own four walls and in front of a PC, someone else thinks just like us miles away makes me feel a bit 'better. Everyone is alone on the heart of the earth ... but by clicking on "I Like "the thought will be shared and you will be less paranoid in his own solitude.
is where you can find:
hate you
do suck I consider you