Monday, July 2, 2007

Floor Plans With Granny Flat Attached


My diabolical plan provided that the second followed shortly after the first (Ah ah !) and that would introduce what would be a detailed account of my move to Sydney, but ... see between the houses, mazes and bundling, there was no way to write a line! Luckily I was far-sighted enough not to tell anyone about this blog ...! : P

Anyway ... now I live in Sydney!

A couple of weeks ago, after being the guest of a friend for a short period, we finally entered the new house. Finding it was hard, but after seeing several questionable hygienic bathrooms, carpeting "long pile" that are so Anglo-Saxon walls from unlikely combinations of pastel colors, elusive "second bathroom" can only be reached by swimming through a swimming pool, apartments with walls "paper" which will more than make you feel at home make you feel at home in the next, concluding with the chalet-style federation with a small chapel adjacent to the bedroom ... we did it! Maybe it does not reach the level of that in Canberra, but is a lovely house on two floors practically new.

If it ever stops raining, I have scarcely seen a day of sun since I arrived here, maybe I can even take some pictures of the house and surrounding area! But I must show you one of the spectacular photos of the ship that ran aground on the beach at Newcastle (more that of rain, it was the storms and floods). They managed to remove it only today ... I would have left it there for decoration, is as good as the background! : P

Oh! And if you plan to go to Australia when it is winter, do not believe those who tell you that in Sydney you will not need a coat! Not true! And do not forget your umbrella ...

* kiss *


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