Saturday, December 25, 2010

Firsttimeauditions Play


that you exit from the live birth of provincia.nemmeno Joey. his hair too short, his fingers too cold. that she was a light blue. a bit 'off a bit' burnt. that there were ribs piano.che there were the vertebrae piano.nausea nausea nausée . the patches used in the cups of coffee, drowned. a green and a black sleeve and a crab claw. electrocardiograms plates, which did not mica in the roller coaster, lei.virgola. ideas that are, that were perhaps convalescenza.che died. a-pathos. bread and nightmares. liters of liquor to the liquid (s) Eriz. French authors and die there on. pine needles down my spine. then, then do not ask her to make promises Joey then first you do not keep. make picnic umbrellas between steps at the level of our souls with the blacks and blue checkered tablecloths.


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