A couple of proposals for a display designed to Mediolanum Farmaceutici SpA

Until 1936, the Australian colonial policy was to segregate the Aborigines in the settlements, or more properly "internment camps" in which they were constantly monitored by the government in all their daily activities. According to the evolutionary paradigm that dominated at the time, the indigenous population was considered endangered, as unable to adapt to the most advanced civilizations, colonial and was therefore "protected" in this way. Since foundation of the first colonies, both the government and the missionaries were aimed at removing indigenous children from their families to use them as labor. Macquire Governor in 1814 founded the first school for Aboriginal children: initially attracted the attention of indigenous communities, but soon aroused negative reactions when it was clear that his intent was to separate children from their families.
Since 1937 he passed instead to a policy of "assimilation." Contrary to what was expected, the aborigines were not yet extinct, and although the number of thoroughbred same declining, the mixed descent population was growing. The fact that these people were a part of European blood meant that there might be room for them in a non-indigenous, and this integration was possible through education that would make them forget their language, culture and traditions. Not to mention the fact that, by transforming the mixed population in the labor force, this would not only become self-sufficient, but would have satisfied the demand for low manpower of the Australian economy.
government officials theorized that forcibly removing indigenous children from their families by sending them away from their communities to work for whites, the population of offspring Mixed would be merged with non-Indigenous population. The fact that Aboriginal people do not identify with European culture, of course, was not taken into account.
All children who were taken away from their families to finish missions, institutions or work as domestic servants are part of the so-called "stolen generations".
Only in 1972, with the new Labour Prime Minister Gough Whitlam, the colonial policy changed direction and was recognized aboriginal right to be consulted on government decisions about their welfare, health, economic and social development. Until 1963, when won the right to vote, they were not citizens, but "individuals in the custody of the state." Despite these changes, the socio-political and economic dependence of the indigenous people remained, although in other forms.
In 1995 the government commissioned an investigation which was to trace the history and the laws that led to removal of children from families, through the testimonies of victims and government representatives and church involved. It ended with the report titled "Bringing Them Home. National Survey on the separation of Aboriginal children and Torres Strait by their families. "Delle fifty-four The investigation concluded that recommendations presented to government in 1997, only some have been implemented and the request to extend an official apology to the indigenous community has so far been rejected by the conservative government of Howard did not want to take any responsibility for the laws passed, fearing that the apology should have been necessary to follow a "pay economy."
This morning, February 13, 2008, the new Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, as promised in its political program, formally apologized on behalf of the entire nation for the pain and suffering inflicted on the stolen generations.
I really liked Rudd. His words and the way in which they were delivered I even managed to move me. I can not say the same of those of the opposition leader, Brendan Nelson, who as stuffed sad testimony of the victim, are played cold and empty. Not to mention a few rides in bad taste ... however it is already so much that the opposition has decided to apologize ...!
Let the healing begin ...
PS You can find the first part of Rudd's speech here.
Out of curiosity, here's the list ranked the top ten of 2007:
1. El Bulli, Roses, Catalonia, Spain
2. The Fat Duck, Bray
3. Pierre Gagnaire ,
4 . The French
5 . Tetsuya’s ,
6 . Bras , Laguiole, France
7 . Mugaritz , San Sebastiàn, Spain
8. Le Louis XV , Monaco
9 . For if , New York, USA
10. Arzak,
Italian restaurant with the best location is the Gambero Rosso in 12th place, while
Here! Now you know where to go for dinner next time you are going abroad! Also you want to give up two nights to compensate for the stratospheric account and remember to book the table before the loooong trip!
* kiss *
this film that can probably only generate interest in a huge Star Wars fan like myself, will be released Jan. 18 in U.S. theaters (and I hope as soon as possible even in Australia). The film is set in 1998 and tells the story of a group of fans of SW that are introduced in George Lucas' Skywalker Ranch to steal a copy of Episode The still unreleased film, to make the last wish of a dying friend.
If the players succeed in the workplace and the dying friend, after watching Episode I, pronounce the words: "I would rather die before I see it", this film will go up automatically at the top of my personal rating. Soon after the Star Wars trilogy, of course. And no one dare to ask "which of the two trilogies?" Because it exists and there will always be only one!
May The Force Be With You!
Like every year, I really wanted to make a nice little drawing Christmas to be sent by e-mail to all contacts in my address book. For the blog of course I would have made another ad hoc, that fool would have done otherwise in respect of the recipients of this email are both of my readers?! It's a matter of professionalism, rather than recycle, I prefer to work twice! Yes, yes!
As always, I love to think big ... but like all I had to send greeting cards and I never even wrote, in the end I did nothing.
What do you want us, are slaves of greetings via SMS. :-P
I know. By now you've had enough of talk about the holiday season, all blogs that respect they have already spoken widely and mostly to time, but each has its time, no? Not to mention the fact that Christmas I do not yet arrived: there were at least 30 degrees too so I could fully immerse myself in the atmosphere! And eating a pandoro trunks in the middle of summer is really weird, believe me.
In Australia December 26 Boxing Day is celebrated on a typically Anglo-Saxon festival which takes its name from the "Christmas Box" clay containers that held the artisans in their shops and essentially served as "piggy banks". During the year there were donations made on the day after Christmas and the boxes were broken and the contents divided between those who worked in the shop. It seems that this holiday has its origins in the Middle Ages, when feudal lords used to distribute gifts to their servants or the less fortunate on the day of 26 (read: how to get rid of what remains of the Christmas feast).
If I were to give a modern definition, the Boxing Day is the day where you have to (literally) to box to enter any store, since it is the day they begin the sales. I had the unfortunate idea to go to the City for a ride and again I was stuck in traffic jams that formed at the entrance of the human shops. Never again.
Another little thing, this is not celebrating the epiphany. Since I'm in full summer vacation, and 6 was a Sunday I would not be touched ... but I will find it very annoying when I find a job!
Well, I finally concluded that I had to say about Christmas and if you're wondering whether the title of this post has any bearing on its actual content, the answer is no. It's just a tribute to two of my closest friends and former colleagues, that I saw when I came back to Italy between November and December. The night we went out I said that I would use our "nicknames working" as the title of my next post and so I did. Found to be unflattering epithets? Blame the working environment! ;-)
late Happy New Year! J
* kiss *