While ascending the staircase of the Opera House in my long gown and watch the lights of the City reflected on the water, I can not imagine a more perfect place to watch an opera. They are so intoxicated by the lights and the atmosphere that I almost not comment on the strange interpretations of the word "elegance" of some spectators while sipping a drink in the foyer. Once through the entrance to the room my eyes are captivated by the colorful and elaborate set design, then I look around and ... "But. I figured the bigger the theater. Well, it does not matter, you see the stage better. I can not wait to sit down and ... wait a minute. Rigid folding chairs the 60 light brown color with padding on the edge of the essential cinema-style ever-renewed-in-which-not-put-more-foot-only-because-i-have-chairs-multi-worthy-of-this-name?! And should I be sitting here for three hours? "
But then the notes of Rossini flood the room and the magic begins. And while I seem to hear the silent curses of D. trying in vain to get comfortable in the chair, I thank heaven that it is not three feet high and eighty-five and you can listen to singing Figaro without having to put your knees in your mouth.
Irony aside, I can not wait to return! :)