This print campaign was designed to raise public awareness on the issue of the bridge over the Strait of Messina

It's something that happened to me over a month ago and which I had completely forgotten until it is talk about it last night in front of a pizza except that it was all worthy of the name.
One Thursday a month and a half ago, driven by a craving for sushi, I call D. to ask him to find a Japanese restaurant where you can go to dinner finished the lessons. Also D. Sydney is new and not knowing decent seats, decided to rely on the network. Found a restaurant apparently quite expensive but with good reviews, decided to call for reservations. The lady who answers the phone tells him kindly to that day all the tables are booked and D. wonders whether it is possible to book the next day. At that point the young lady's note that the restaurant is fully booked until February next year ... ! That's if you want to have dinner on weekdays, on weekends because you have to wait until at least mid-April!
And I thought that places like this existed only in Sex & the City!
That evening we had to find a palliative, but now for me it was a matter of principle: I had dinner at that restaurant! So I made reservations a table in March and I can tell you if that is really worth the wait just to eat at Tetsuya's.
At least I do not have to worry about forgetting the book ... in fact are kind enough to call a few days before to remember!
* kiss *
While ascending the staircase of the Opera House in my long gown and watch the lights of the City reflected on the water, I can not imagine a more perfect place to watch an opera. They are so intoxicated by the lights and the atmosphere that I almost not comment on the strange interpretations of the word "elegance" of some spectators while sipping a drink in the foyer. Once through the entrance to the room my eyes are captivated by the colorful and elaborate set design, then I look around and ... "But. I figured the bigger the theater. Well, it does not matter, you see the stage better. I can not wait to sit down and ... wait a minute. Rigid folding chairs the 60 light brown color with padding on the edge of the essential cinema-style ever-renewed-in-which-not-put-more-foot-only-because-i-have-chairs-multi-worthy-of-this-name?! And should I be sitting here for three hours? "
But then the notes of Rossini flood the room and the magic begins. And while I seem to hear the silent curses of D. trying in vain to get comfortable in the chair, I thank heaven that it is not three feet high and eighty-five and you can listen to singing Figaro without having to put your knees in your mouth.
Irony aside, I can not wait to return! :)